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Celebrate Abortion

Saturday 26th April, 2025

11am to 1pm

Lothian Road

Edinburgh EH1 2EA













27-4 Lothian Rd-39.jpg

In Scotland, what we want is to have an abortion be a healthcare decision. The government should be involved only to provide free access to abortions on the NHS, not to require extra paperwork from the doctors to comply with the 1967 law.


Annually since 2010, we've gathered to celebrate the day the 1967 Abortion Act became law, a peaceful protest to counter the pro-lifers on the other side of the road: the pro-lifers gather because they deprecate the day free access to safe legal abortion on the NHS became the law.

We're there to push back against them because every year they are there, trying to make safe legal healthcare sound like a bad thing.


Hope to see you there.

If you would like to be part of the Abortion Rights Scotland movement, we're offering £5 membership for anyone who attends the Celebrate 1967 Act event on 26th April.

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